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Cultural Heritage keywords

AcademyAccademiaAcademiaAkademieAkademieAcadémiea society or institution intended to protect and develop an art, science, language aims promoting and maintaining standards in its particular field.
AccessibilityAccessibilitàAccesibilidadZugänglichkeitPřístupnostAccessibilitéThe ability of a device, service, resource or environment to be easily usable by any type of user. In the field of cultural heritage, it concerns both the physical dimension (architectural barriers, visual accessibility) and the cognitive dimension
Customer servicesAccoglienzaRecepciónEmpfangZákaznické službyAccueilSet of elements that make the visit as a whole comfortable and pleasant.
AccreditationAccreditamentoAcreditaciónAkkreditierungAkreditaceAccréditationProcedure certifying that a given institution complies with the criteria for proper functioning laid down by the competent authority. More specifically, it is an examination that certifies the quality of the museum and its activities, in order to legitimize special attention from public institutions and / or strengthen trust in the institution by visitors and stakeholders.
AcquisitionAcquisizioneAdquisiciónErwerbAkviziceAcquisitionAn increase in the collection that can take place with an outlay of money or through a donation.
AlienationAlienazioneAlienaciónEntfremdungOdcizeníAliénationTransfer or destruction of objects belonging to a collection.
DisplayAllestimentoPreparaciónVorbereitungUkázatPréparationSet of procedures aimed at making an object visible and usable to the public.
AntiquariumAntiquariumAnticuarioAntiquariumAntikvariumAntiquaireCollection of antique works generally from the Greco-Roman era, such as
epigraphs, stones and other finds
Archaelogical sitesAree archeologicheZonas arqueológicasArchäologische GebieteArcheologická místaZones archéologiquesSites that have traces of human settlements, more or less extensive, and that date back to prehistory or the ancient world: for example, remains of a city or a sanctuary or a palace or workshop
Archaeologist ArcheologoArqueólogoArchäologeArcheologArchéologueA professional who studies human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artefacts and other physical remains.
ArchitectArchitettoArquitecturaArchitektArchitektArchitecteprofessional who deals with the research, study and promotion of architectural heritage
ArchiveArchivioArchivoArchivArchivovatArchiverThe totality of writings and other documents, which have been formed by natural or legal persons on the basis of their practical or legal activity and which, as documentary sources and evidence of the past, are intended for permanent preservation in a given place
ArchivistArchivistaArchivistaArchivarArchivářArchivisteSomeone with specific skills of collecting, managing and providing access to archives and records for the long term
Archaeological heritageBeni archeologiciPatrimonio arqueológicoArchäologisches ErbeArcheologické dědictvíPatrimoine archéologiqueArchaeological heritage encompasses all remains, assets and other traces of the evolution of the planet, of life and human beings, the preservation and study of which help to retrace the history of mankind and its relation with the natural environment. The archaeological heritage also includes stratified deposits, structures, constructions, architectural groups, enhanced sites, moveable assets and monuments of other nature, as well as their rural or urban setting, whether they are located on the ground, subsoil or underwater, in territorial waters or in the continental shelf.
Architectural Heritage Beni architettoniciPatrimonio ArquitectónicoArchitektonischArchitektonické dědictvíActifs architecturaux the category of architectural heritage belong monumental buildings, such as churches, palaces, villas, palaces, which are distinguished either by their artistic quality, or by the particular construction techniques adopted, or by their function or even by their decorations
Archival assetsBeni archivisticiActivos de archivoArchivalienArchivní datové zdrojeActifs d’archivesThe archival and book heritage includes the following categories of assets: the archives and individual documents of the State, the regions, the other territorial public bodies and any other public body or institution, the book collections of the libraries of the State, the regions, other public bodies
Artistic and historical heritageBeni artistici e storiciPatrimonio artístico e históricoKünstlerisches und historisches ErbeUmělecké a historické dědictvíPatrimoine artistique et historiqueAll works of art and monuments, movable and immovable, which have a recognized artistic value or a particular historical importance for rarity or representativeness, having a relationship with cultural history of humanity
Cultural heritageBeni culturaliPatrimonio culturalKulturerbeKulturní dědictvíHéritage culturelCultural Heritage is an expression of the ways of living developed by a community and passed on from generation to generation, including tangible culture such as buildings, monuments, landscapes, books, works of art, and artifacts, intangible culture such as folklore, traditions, language, customs, values, practices and knowledge, and natural heritage including culturally significant landscapes, and biodiversity.
Ethno-anthropological, material
and intangible heritage
I beni etnoantropologici, materiali
e immateriali
activos etno-antropológicos, tangiblesEthnoanthropologische, materielle und immaterielleKulturní dědictví« Biens matériels ethno-anthropologiques et immatériel “Ethno-anthropological goods do not have particular artistic importance but are of great importance for understand the cultural traditions of a people, of which
they constitute a precious testimony. This category therefore includes objects related to daily life or to crafts or to particular activities, for example
tools, tools, crockery, furnishings, clothes, toys, handicrafts.
Inangible Heritage Beni immaterialiActivos inmaterialess VermögenswerteNehmotný majetekBien immatérielIntangible heritage includes traditions or living expressions inherited from our ancestors and passed on to our descendants, such as oral traditions, performing arts, social practices, rituals, festive events, knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe or the knowledge and skills to produce traditional crafts.
Real estate Beni immobiliBienes inmuebleImmobilienNehmotný majetekImmobilierNon-transportable assets (such as buildings, monuments, archives, libraries)
Book assetsBeni librariActivos contablesBuchvermögenRezervovat majetekLivresBook assets are mostly identifiable in books, but also
documents relating to the literary production of the great authors (autographs, correspondence, unpublished works, preparatory works), engravings, maps, posters, philatelic material, even photographs
Material goodsBeni materialiBienes materialesMaterielle GüterHmotné statkyBiens matérielsmaterial cultural goods are all those goods that have an individual physical presence, called material, which remains substantially unchanged over time
Movable goods Beni mobiliBeni mobiliBewegliche GüterMovitostiBiens mobiliersTransportable goods such as paintings, sculptures, objects.
Landscape and environmental heritageBeni paesaggistici e ambientaliPaisaje y patrimonio ambientalLandschaft und UmwelterbeBeni paesaggistici e ambientaliPatrimoine paysager et environnementalBelong to the category of environmental and landscape assets natural areas or transformed by man considered of particular beauty or areas of territory very interesting from a geological point of view, which for these reasons are an integral part of the natural heritage of a country
LibraryBibliotecaBibliotecaBibliothekKnihovnaBibliothèquePlace, physical or virtual, aimed at the collection and conservation of physical resources such as books, magazines, CDs, DVDs
Audio guideAudioguidaAudioguíaAudioguideZvukový průvodceGuide audiotool that allows the reproduction and listening of a recorded audio story, usually through a portable electronic device, with voice information about a monument, a museum or a site of tourist or cultural interest
bookshopBook ShopLibreríaBuchhandlungKnihkupectvíLibrairieShop or website design-minded, multi-disciplinary brand offering objects, events, and experiences related to books and reading
CataloguingCatalogazioneCatalogaciónKatalogisierungKatalogizaceCatalogage classification and invetariation of cultural, historical-artistic, architectural, demo-ethno-anthropological heritage, the main tool for the management of collections and their conservation.
CollectionCollezioneColecciónSammlungSbírkaCollectionConstitutive and essential element of the museum carried. a group of objects or an amount of material accumulated in one location, especially for some purpose or as a result of some process, conducted with pre-established criteria, based on historical, artistic, scientific value or intrinsic value, or only out of curiosity or pleasure.
ColophonColophonColofónKolophonOtiskImprimertext that shows names and functions of all colors that have collaborated in the realization of the exhibition or text
Scientific committeeComitato scientificoComité científicoWissenschaftlicher AusschussVědecký výborComité scientifiqueGroup of experts with the function of supervising and guaranteeing the correctness of the contents and authenticity of the materials on display or publications
CommunicationComunicazioneComunicaciónKommunikationKomunikaceCommunicationMuseum communication is a complicated, uncoded process and
subject to infinite variations determined by the characteristics of the collection and the environment architectural in which the encounter between the visitor and the museum heritage takes place.
PreservationConservazionePreservaciónKonservierungZachováníespace de rangementCoherent, coordinated and planned study, prevention, maintenance and restoration activities
Curator ConservatoreConservadorKuratorKonzervativníConservateurThe curator is responsible for the storage, security, management and
enhancement of the collections entrusted to him
ContextualizationContestualizzazione Contextualización –KontextualisierungContextualizaceContextualisation –Process of inferring the context of something, such as a object or monument activity. Contextualization can be considered a essential segment of the process of interpretation and study of a given find or a
group of objects in a collection. On it also depends a lot the perception that the visitor has of the exhibit.
Material cultureCultura materialeCultura materialMaterielle KulturHmotná kulturaCulture matérielleVisible and concrete aspects of a culture, such as urban artefacts, the tools of everyday life and production activities.
dating DatazioneDataciónDatierungDatováníSortir ensembleSet of researches aimed at identifying the period in which a fact occurred or an artifact was made.
DepositDeposito –Almacén –Lager –VkladVerser –Set of materials preserved even in the state of fragment or with
a state of advanced deterioration.
EcomuseumEcoMuseoEcomuseoEcomuseumEcomuseumÉcomuséeAn ecomuseum is a museum focused on the identity of a place, largely based on local participation and aiming to enhance the welfare and development of local communities. It is not concentrated in a building, but includes territorial areas, of which they want to be an instrument of revaluation and conservation. It’s characterized by an inseparable set of a specific naturalistic and urban heritage combined with the history, traditions and customs of a particular community.
Cabinet GabinettoCabinetKabinettkabinetToiletteExhibition venue that houses collections of specialized works, such as drawings, prints, ancient coins, gems and precious stones
GalleryGalleriaGaleríaGalerieGalerieTunnelType of museum. Building that mainly collects paintings and sculptures.
GipsotecaGipsotecaGipsotecaGipsothekGipsotecaCollection de plâtreType of museum that houses plaster works, mostly casts of ancient works
GlyceptothequeGliptotecaGliceptotecaGlykothekGlyceptothequeGlyptothèqueType of museum that preserves collections of semi-precious stones or other carved materials
InventoryInventarioInventarioInventarInventářInventaireObject identification and documentation tool, necessary for further internal and external uses of object data.
MaintenanceManutenzioneMantenimientoInstandhaltungÚdržbaentretienAll the activities and interventions aimed at controlling the conditions of the cultural asset and maintaining the integrity, functional efficiency and identity of the asset and its parts
MemoryMemoriaMemoriaGedächtnis / ErinnerungPaměťMémoireThe museum can be understood as a deposit and communication tool of the
collective memory
MonumentMonumentoMonumentoDenkmalPomníkMonumentarchitectural, plastic or monumental pictorial works, archaeological structures or objects, inscriptions, caves and groups of elements of exceptional universal value with a historical, artistic or scientific aspect
ExhibitionMostraExposiciónAusstellungVýstavaSpectacleresult of the collection in a specific exhibition event of objects
on the basis of a research project or a historical theme,
scientific, social, artistic etc. treated in a popular form that is believed to attract the public attention
MuseumMuseoMuseoMuseumMuzeumMuséeStructure designed to permanently “contain” an exhibition of works of various kinds: “A museum is a non-profit, permanent institution in the service of society and its development, open to the public, which acquires, conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits the tangible and intangible heritage of humanity and its environment for the purposes of education, study and enjoyment” (ICOM)
Cultural Heritage OperatorOpertore dei beni culturaliOperador de Patrimonio CulturalBetreiber des kulturellen ErbesOperatore dei beni culturaliOpérateur du patrimoine culturelprofessional who commonly deals with the management of artistic heritage: he is in fact specialized in their cataloguing, conservation as in their restoration
Cultural HeritagePatrimonio culturalePatrimonio culturalBetreiber des kulturellen ErbesKulturní dědictvíHéritage culturelSet of cultural goods, that is, immovable and movable things that present
artistic, historical, archaeological, ethno-anthropological, archival and bibliographic and landscape interest
PinacothecaPinacotecaPinacotecaPinakothekPinacothecaGalerie de photosType of Museum. Building that collects and exhibits only paintings.
PreventionPrevenzionePrevenciónPräventionPrevenceLa préventionall the activities capable of limiting the risk situations related to the cultural asset in its context
Ecclesial propertyProprietà ecclesiaticaPropiedad eclesialKirchliches EigentumCírkevní majetekPropriété ecclésiastiquedirect authority over the goods or museums within the competence of the Church
Proprietà privataProprietà privataPropriedad privataPrivateigentumProprietà privataPropriété privéelegal capacity of a person over a thing and/or place
Public propertyProprietà pubblicaPropiedad públicaÖffentliches EigentumVeřejný majetekPropriété publiquedirect authority over assets or museums within the competence of the State or of decentralised local authorities and administrations (regions, provinces, municipalities)
RestorationRestauroRestauraciónRestaurierungObnoveníRestaurationActivities aimed at preserving the integrity of the artistic work and reintegrating its possible alteration or mutilation
RestorerRestauratoreRestauradorRestauratorRestaurátorRestaurateurprofessional who deals materially with the restoration and conservation of cultural heritage and who must have a deep culture in the historical-literary field and have specific knowledge of methodology and technique of conservation and restoration, master regional, national and international legislation in the field of protection and defense of cultural heritage
SitesSitiSitiosStandort, AusgrabungsstätteInternetové stránkyDes sitesPlace with artefacts or where are conjugated artefacts and nature, as well as areas, including archaeological sites, of exceptional universal value with a historical and aesthetic, ethnological or anthropological aspect
SuperintendentsSoprintendenzeSuperintendentesInspektoren, AufseherSoprintendenzeSurintendancesBody of research, direction and technical coordination in the fields of inventory, cataloguing, conservation, restoration and enhancement of cultural heritage.
Art historianStorico dell’arteHistoriador del arteKunsthistorikerHistorik uměníHistorien d’artprofessional who deals with the research, study and promotion of the historical-artistic heritage with skills of great responsibility aimed at judging the historical, documentary, aesthetic relevance of the assets of historical-artistic interest, to recognize their authenticity and to identify their origin or to reconstruct their history.
StorytellingStorytellingNarraciónStorytellingVyprávěníRaconter des histoiresA form of communication with ancient origins based on the art of storytelling, used today especially in the digital field to enhance its products in an effective and engaging way, in order to expand the audience of potential customers. Technique used in the field of cultural heritage for dissemination and enhancement in order to expand the number of users.
ThesaurusThesaurusTesauroThesaurusTezaurusThésaurusCollection of words that allows each user to describe an object and index it with identical terms of reference. The creation of thesaurus or thesauri is one of the most important moments in the creation of a database linked to the collection of a museum
ProtectionTutelaTutelaVormundschaftOpatrovnictvíprotectionexercise of the functions and in the discipline of the activities directed, on the basis of an adequate cognitive activity, to identify the assets constituting the cultural heritage and to guarantee their protection and conservation for purposes of public use
UNESCOUNESCOUNESCOUNESCOUNESCOUNESCO Nations Educationals, Scientific and Cultural Organization. International institution with the task of contributing to peace and security by promoting collaboration between nations through
education, science and culture
EnhancementValorizzazioneMejoraAusdehnung, Erweitertung, VerbesserungVylepšenívalorisation “activities aimed at promoting knowledge of cultural heritage and ensuring the best conditions of use and public enjoyment of the heritage itself, including by people with disabilities, in order to promote the development of culture. It also includes the promotion and support of cultural heritage conservation interventions.
ShowcaseVetrinaEscaparateVitrineVitrínaFenêtre d’affichagecontainer for the exhibition of objects: the main tool of the musealization process, but it is also one of the major obstacles to the relationship between the collection and the user of the museum
VisitVisitaVisitaBesuchNavštívitVisiteThe visit is the fundamental experience (and service) that the museum offers to its public. It is a complex experience because it involves physically and intellectually in a challenging way all types of visitors