triumphal arch | arco trionfale | Triumphalis arcus | arco triunfal | Triumphbögen | vítězný oblouk | arc de Triomphe | Monumental structures containing at least one arched passageway and erected to honor an important person or to commemorate a significant event, particularly a victory in war.The basic form consisted of two piers connected by an arch, over which was placed a superstructure that served as a base for statues and commemorative inscriptions. Triumphal arches generally spanned a roadway used for triumphal processions. They are associated with ancient Roman architecture, developed from the Porta Triumphalis, which the victorious Roman army had to pass before entering the sacred city territory of Rome |
burial ground | cimitero | coemeterium, area, sepulcretum | cementerio | Begräbnisplatz | pohřebiště | cimetière | area intended to contain the spaces for the burial of the dead, the cineraries and the ossuaries |
cryptoporticus | criptoportico | cryptoporticus | criptopórticos | Kryptoportikus | kryptoportikum | cryptoportique | In Ancient Roman architecture a cryptoporticus is a covered corridor or passageway. The usual English is “cryptoportico”. The cryptoportico is a semi-subterranean gallery whose vaulting supports portico structures aboveground and which is lit from openings at the tops of its arches. On sloping sites the open side of a cryptoporticus is often partially at ground level and supports a structure such as a forum or Roman villa, in which case it served as basis villae. |
road tunnel | galleria stradale | cuniculum/crypta | túnel de carretera | Straßentunnel | tunel | tunnel routier | An underground passageway that passes under a mountain, river, or a congested urban area |
funerary monument | monumento funerario | funebris monumentum | monumento funerario | Grabmal | pohřební stavba | monument funéraire | Ceremonial structures built for funerals or burials. |
house | abitazione | domus | hogar | Wohnung | obydlí | domov | Architecture or other accommodations produced for or adapted to provide shelter and security for the basic physical functions of life for an individual, family, or clan and their dependents, human and animal. Among the functions provided for are a place to sleep, prepare food, eat, and sometimes to work, usually having a door, window, or other source of light and with protection from the weather. The structure designed for either a nuclear or extended family and located in a city or town. The domus as a general architectural type is long-lived in the Roman world, although some development of the architectural form does occurr |
cave dwelling | abitazione rupestre | vivienda cueva | Höhlenwohnung | jeskynní obydlí | habitation troglodytique | Dwellings that are made within natural caves or within caves that have been altered for habitation. A cave dwelling is a house created by digging a large pit in the ground. Around the perimeter of this pit caves are then dug to be used as rooms. | |
Roman fort | accampamento fortificato | castrum | campamento fortificado | befestigtes Lager | opevněný tábor | camp retranché | The Roman term castrum is used for different sizes of camps – including large legionary fortresses, smaller forts for cohorts or for auxiliary forces, temporary encampments, and “marching” forts. |
aqueduct | acquedotto | aquae ductus | acueducto | Aquädukt | akvadukt | aqueduc | Water conduction system installed since ancient times for the water supply of cities and other building complexes. The man-made conduits carry water over long distances, usually by means of gravity, particularly structures that include channels and elevated sections on bridgelike structures, optimized by the Romans and based on inventions of earlier cultures. |
acropolis | acropoli | acropolis | acrópolis | Akropolis | akropole | acropole | Acropoli si the higher and usually fortified sections of ancient Greek cities, typically containing temples and some public buildings and used as places of refuge; typically built on a hill |
Fresco | Affresco | Frescos | Fresko | freska | Fresque | Paintings made by the technique of fresco painting, which is a ancient mural painting technique in which permanent pigments, dispersed in water, are painted on freshly laid lime plaster. | |
Wing | ala | alae | ala | Flügel | hala | aile | A part of a building that sticks out from a central or main part. Wings are separate sections of large homes that contain the private rooms of the family, . |
service environment | ambiente di servizio | entorno de servicio | serviceumgebung | servisní prostředí | environnement de service | Environmental services encompass infrastructure services | |
anchor | ancora | ancora | ancla | Anker | Kotva | ancre | Any of various devices dropped to the bottom of a body of water and designed to bury themselves there in order to restrict the movement of watercraft or other floating objects. It is used to moor a ship to the sea bottom, typically having a metal shank with a pair of curved, barbed flukes at one end. |
Amphitheatre | Anfiteatro | amphiteatrum | anfiteatros | Amphitheater | amfiteátr | Amphithéâtre | Circular or elliptical structures in which a central performance area is surrounded by rising tiers of seats for for events such as gladiator combats, venationes (animal slayings) and executions. |
amphora | anfora | amphora | ánfora | Amphore | amfora | amphore | A pottery container used as storage vessel usually having a large oval body with a narrow neck and two or more handles extending from the body of the vessel to the rim. |
transport amphora | anfora da trasporto | ánfora de transporte | Transportamphore | transportní amfora | transporter l’amphore | The transort amphora is a pottery container used for the non-local transport of agricultural products | |
anteroom | anticamera | antesala | Vorkammer | předsíň | antichambre | Room preceding or serving as a lobby or means of access to another and more important room | |
apotheca | apotheca | apotheca | botica | Apotheke | lékárna | apothèque | a warehouse or repository. |
ara | ara | ara | ara | freistehender Altar | ara | ara | a freestanding altar in ancient Rome |
Lintel | architrave | epistylium | arquitrabe | Türsturz | architráv | architrave | The architrave of a classical building. |
tablinum | tablino | tablinum | tablinum | tablinum | tablinum | tablinum | Rooms located at the far end of the atriums in ancient Roman houses. A place where business, work, or one’s job is conducted or accomplished. |
workshop | Area artigianale | officina | taller | Werkstatt | dílna | atelier | Workshop is a public or private space set aside for manual or light industrial work. |
area of clay fragments | area di frammenti fittili | area argillae fragmentorum | área de fragmentos de arcilla | Bereich von Tonfragmenten | plocha s keramickými střepy | zone de fragments d’argile | Dispersion area of ceramic fragments |
urban area | area urbana | urbana area | área urbana | Stadtgebiet | městská oblast | zone urbaine | Areas within city limits or closely linked to them by common use of public utilities or services. |
home furnishings | arredo domestico | muebles para el hogar | Einrichtungsgegenstände | bytové zařízení | mobilier de maison | Furnishings and Equipment | |
parietal art | arte parietale | parietalis art | arte parietal | Parietalkunst | parietální umění | art pariétal | Parietal art or cave paintings, is a general term referring to the decoration of the walls of rock shelters and caves throughout the world. |
atrium | atrio | atrium | vestíbulo | Atrium / Halle | atrium | lobby | An entrance hall or corridor, as in a public building, often serving as an anteroom. foyer. |
settling basin | bacino di decantazione | piscina limaria | lavabo de sedimentación | Schwimmbecken | sedimentační nádrž | bassin de décantation | serbatoio dislocato lungo il percorso degli acquedotti e al punto d’arrivo |
balcony external horizontal partition | balcone partizione esterna orizzontale | tabique horizontal exterior del balcón | Balkon / externe horizontale Trennwand | balkon | balcon cloison horizontale extérieure | Platforms projecting from the exterior walls of buildings. Use also for similar interior features, when small. | |
quay | banchina | muelle | Kai | nábřeží | quai | man-made banks or landing stages, typically built of stone, lying alongside or projecting into water for loading and unloading ships | |
basement | basamento | basis | sótano | Untergeschoss | suterén | sous-sol | the lowermost portion of a structure partly or wholly below ground level |
Basilica | Basilica | basilica | Basílica | Basilika | bazilika | Basilique | Refers to religious or secular buildings characterized by an oblong plan divided into a nave with two or more side aisles, the former higher and wider than the latter and generally lit by clerestory windows; usually terminated by an apse. In Roman and Early Christian basilicas was used for administrative activities, the ground plan typically was a parallelogram in which the width was not greater than one-half of the length and not less than one-third of it. In the Catholic church, basilica is a term assigned to certain churches as an honorific. |
library | biblioteca | Bibliotheca | Biblioteca | Bibliothek | knihovna | bibliothèque | Buildings set apart to contain books for reading, study, or reference, typically with shelves containing books and tables and seating for users of the library. |
glass | bicchiere | vidrio | Trinkgefäß | sklenice | verre | Vessels used for drinking liquids | |
village | borgo | villa | aldeas | Dorf | vesnice | village | Mixed-use communities designed to combine residential sections in close proximity to employment, retail, and entertainment facilities linked by pedestrian-oriented thoroughfares; often located in suburban contexts. |
shop | bottega | taberna | tienda | Einkauf | prodejna | magasin | Originally meaning a single-room shop for the sale of goods and services, tabernae were often incorporated into domestic dwellings on the ground level flanking the fauces, the main entrance to a home, but with one side open to the street. |
bottle | bottiglia | botella | Flasche | lahev | bouteille | Vessels having a neck and mouth considerably narrower than the body, used for packaging and containing liquid and dry preparations. | |
brazier | braciere | brasero | Kohlebecken | ohniště | brasero | receptacles, usually metal or terracotta, having a base designed to hold live coals, and sometimes with a grate or pierced top, used for heating a room or for heating or cooking food. | |
pitcher | brocca | hydria | jarro | Krug | džbán | pot à eau | Vessels, generally of ceramic, glass, metal, or plastic, that have a wide mouth with a broad lip and usually a handle at one side, but sometimes having two ears; includes those accompanied by a washbowl and used for personal hygiene. |
busts | busto | imago | busto | Büste | busta | bousiller | Works of sculpture representing a person’s head, shoulders, and some part of the torso. |
inkwell | calamaio | tintero | Tintenfass | kalamář | encrier | Small vessels for holding ink into which a pen can be dipped. | |
cast | calco | emitir | Abdruck | otisk | jeter | Sculptural works or reproductions made by casting. | |
Calidarium | calidario | calidarium | calidarium | Heißbad | calidarium | calidarium | The hot room in a Roman bath, sometimes containing a hot-water plunge. |
cameo | cameo | cameo | camafeo | Kamee | kamej | camée | Small reliefs made from materials having layers of different colors, such as gems, glass, ceramics, or shell, and carved so that the design stands out in one color against a background in another. |
burial chamber | camera sepolcrale | cubicularius | cámara funeraria | Grabkammer | pohřební komora | chambre funéraire | Rooms or other areas, above or below ground, that are reserved for burial, generally intended to accomodate one or a small number of bodies |
Bell tower | campanile | campanario | Kampanilen | zvonice | clocher | Lofty detached bell towers, particularly such towers found adjacent to certain churches | |
channel | canale | aestuarium, cloaca, cuniculus, fossa, rivus | canal | Kanal | kanál | canaliser | manufatto a superficie libera, a cielo aperto o sotterraneo, destinato a convogliare acqua; può essere costruito per la bonifica, l’irrigazione, lo scolo, il drenaggio, la regolarizzazione degli invasi, il ricambio dell’acqua per l’ostricultura e la piscicultura |
channeling | canalizzazione | canalización | Kanalisation | kanalizace | canalisation | ornamentation with flutes or channels | |
candlestick | candelabro | candelabrum | candelero | Kerzenständer | svícen | chandelier | Candleholders with a single candle socket mounted on a support with a widened base or foot for balance; often the support is columnar in form |
loading of materials on board | carico di materiali di bordo | carga de materiales a bordo | Verladen von Materialien an Bord | naklád materiálů na palubu | chargement de matériel à bord | loading of materials on board | |
house | casa | domus | hogar | Haus | dům | Maison | A building in which people live; residence. |
tower house | casa torre | casa torre | Turmhaus | Věžový dům | maison tour | A tower house is a particular type of stone structure, built for defensive purposes as well as habitation. | |
farmhouse | casale | villa rustica | casas de labranza | Bauernhäuser | statek | ferme | Chief dwellings attached to farms, particularly a dwelling for the family of a family-owned and -operated farm. |
block of flats | caseggiato | bloque de pisos | Wohnblock | panelák | immeuble | a large building that has several or many apartments | |
Roman camp | Accampamento militare | castra | campamento militar | militair kamp | válečný tábor | camp militaire | The Roman camp was characterized by excellent performance. What is worth emphasizing was not built by professional engineers and builders, but by ordinary legionaries. The main building material was wood. The camp was created during the campaign every day. |
fortified town | castelliere | oppidum munitum | ciudad fortificada | befestigte Stadt | opevněné město | ville fortifiée | town with fortifications such as defensive walls |
Castle | castello | castellum | Castillo | Kastell | hrad | château | Buildings or groups of buildings intended primarily to serve as a fortified residence of a prince or nobleman |
water castle, distribution basin | castello d’acqua, bacino di distribuzione | castellum aquae, castellum aquae, castellum-immissarium, castellum divisorium | castillo de agua, cuenca de distribución | Wasserspeicher | distribuční nádrž | château d’eau, bassin de distribution | collector, which collected water from a aqueduct and distributed them in the different areas of a city |
military castle | castello militare | castillo militar | militärische Burg | vojenský hrad | château militaire | A castle fortified built during the Middle Ages predominantly by military orders | |
catacomb | catacomba | catacumba | catacumba | Katakombe | katakomby | catacombes | Underground systems of passages used as cemeteries, generally unsystematic and irregular in plan with networks of galleries and multiple levels over extensive areas. |
cell | cella | cela | Tempelraum | cella | cellule | The interior, enclosed parts of Greek or Greco-Roman temples, usually containing the cult statue of the god and encompassing any sub-chambers within the solid wall, such as the vestibule, sanctuary or central chamber, and treasury. | |
cenotaph | cenotafio | cenotaphium | cenotafio | Zenotaphium | kenotaf | cénotaphe | Empty sepulchral monument, elevated in memory of a deceased buried elsewhere or whose body could not be recovered |
nails | chiodi | ungues | clavos | hřebíky | clous | Fasteners that are designed for impact insertion, usually slender, pointed, and headed. | |
cemetery | cimitero | coemeterium | cementerio | Friedhof | hřbitov | cimetière | areas used for burial or entombment |
defensive walls | cinta fortificata | moenia | muralla defensiva | Wehrmauern | opevněné zdi | mur de défense | Use broadly for all sorts of walls constructed to resist attack. |
circus | circo | circus | circo | Kreis | cirkus | cirque | Oblong ancient Roman enclosures that are curved at one end, with tiered seating on three sides, and built for chariot and horse racing |
tank | cisterna | cisterna, lacus, stagnum, receptaculum | tanque | Zisterne | cisterna | Char | riserva idrica, serbatoio, collettore, costruzione destinata ad immagazzinare e conservare una certa quantità d’acqua, può essere costruita o scavata nella roccia |
City | Città | Urbs | Ciudad | Stadt | město | Ville | Generally, cities designate large or important communities with population, status, and internal complexity greater than most towns in the region. |
colander | colino | colum | colador | Sieb | síto | passoire | Bowl-shaped or conical devices with perforated or pierced walls, used for draining and straining foods; usually set on a base or on legs. |
columbarium | colombario | culumbarium, monumentum, ossarium, ossuarium, sepulchrum | palomera | Monument, Grabmal, Kolumbarium | kolumbárium | columbarium | A structure that is used to house urns with the cremated remains (ashes) of the deceased. It may be either freestanding, or part of a chapel or mausoleum. The sepulchral environment can be hypogeal or semi-hypogeal, in whose walls there are niches or niches to store the cinerary urns |
column | colonna | columna | columna | Säule | sloup | colonne | A tall, straight, slender upright support; a pillar used for support or standing alone as a monument. |
honorary column | colonna onoraria | columna honoraria | columna honoraria | Ehrenkolumne | čestný sloup | colonne d’honneur | A column used as an honorary monument |
convent complex | complesso conventuale | conventum complex | complejo del convento | Klosterkomplex | klášterní komplex | complexe du couvent | |
monastic complex | complesso monastico | monasticum complexum | complejo monástico | Klosterkomplex | klášterní komplex | complexe monastique | |
tannery | conceria | curtiduría | Gerberei | koželužna | tannerie | ||
conduct | condotta | conducta | conducta | Benehmen | potrubí, vedení | conduite | |
lid | coperchio | operculo | tapa | Deckel | víčko | couvercle | |
cup | coppa | poculum | taza | Tasse | pohár | tasse | |
funerary equipment | corredo funerario | funebra apparata | equipo funerario | Grabbeigabe | pohřební výbava | équipement funéraire | |
hallway | corridoio | pasillo | Korridor | ulička | rayon | ||
courtyard | cortile | compluvium | patio | Innenhof | dvůr | Cour | Building, Architecturea court open to the sky, esp. one enclosed on all four sides. |
cryptoporticus | criptoportico | cryptoporticus | cryptoporticus | Krypta, Kryptoportikus | kryptoportikus | cryptoportique | struttura che he costituisce soltanto laparte inferiore, spesso parzialmente interrata, di un insieme che la ingloba e la assimila. |
cubicle (bedroom) | cubicolo (stanza da letto) | Cubiculum (cubiculum) | cubículo (dormitorio) | Schlafzimmer | cubiculum (ložnice) | cabine (chambre) | A room used for sleeping. |
kitchen | cucina | culina | cocina | Küche | kuchyň | cuisine | A room or place equipped for cooking or preparing food, washing dishes, and the like. |
curia | curia | curia | curia | Kurie | curie | ||
funeral deposition | deposizione funeraria | funus depositionis | deposición fúnebre | Beerdigung | posmrtné uložení | dépôt funéraire | |
dam | diga | represa | Graben | hráz | endiguer | costruzione che sbarra più o meno completamente un corso d’acqua per formare una riserva | |
spacers | distanziatori | espaciadores | Abstandshalter | entretoises | |||
dolmen | dolmen | dolmen | dolmen | Grab | dolmen | dolmen | |
domus | domus | domus | domus | Haus | dům | domus | |
dungeon | dongione | lacum | calabozo | Verlies | donjon | donjon | |
newsstand | edicola | puesto de periódicos | Zeitungsstand | novinový stánek | kiosque à journaux | ||
building | edificio | aedificium | edificio | Gebäude | budova | imeuble | |
building of worship | edificio di culto | edificio de culto | Gotteshaus | budova bohoslužby | bâtiment de culte | ||
building of worship and annexes | edificio di culto ed annessi | edificio de culto y anexos | Gotteshaus und Nebengebäude | budova bohoslužeb a přístavby | bâtiment de culte et annexes | ||
unidentified building | edificio non identificato | edificio no identificado | nicht identifiziertes Gebäude | neidentifikovaná budova | bâtiment non identifié | ||
private building | edificio privato | privatum aedificium | edificio privado | privates Gebäude | soukromá budova | immeuble privé | |
public building | edificio pubblico | publicum aedificium | edificio publico | öffentliches Gebäude | veřejná budova | bâtiment public | |
rural service building | edificio rurale di servizio | edificio de servicios rurales | ländliches Dienstleistungsgebäude | služební rurální budova | bâtiment de service rural | ||
protective element – external vertical external partition | elemento di protezione – esterno partizione esterna verticale | elemento de protección – tabique exterior vertical exterior | Schutzelement – externe vertikale Trennwand | élément de protection – cloison externe verticale externe | |||
separation element – external vertical external partition | elemento di separazione – esterno partizione esterna verticale | elemento de separación – tabique exterior vertical exterior | Trennelement – extener vertikale Trennwand | élément de séparation – cloison externe verticale externe | |||
separating element – internal vertical internal partition | elemento di separazione – interno partizione interna verticale | elemento de separación – tabique interior vertical interior | Trennelement – interne vertikale Trennwand | élément de séparation – cloison interne verticale interne | |||
helmet | elmo | galea | casco | Helm | casque | ||
epigraph | epigrafe | epigraphe | epígrafe | Epigraph | épigraphe | ||
erarium | erario | aerarium | tesorería | Schatzkammer | Trésorerie | ||
herm | erma | herm | Herme | herm | |||
Lighthouse | faro | Pharus | Faro | Leuchtturm | maják | Phare | |
farm | fattoria | villa rustica | granja | Villa, Landhaus | villa rustica | cultiver | A tract of land, usually with a house, barn, silo, etc., on which crops and often live animals are raised. |
flask | fiaschetta | lenticulam | matraz | Flasche | ballon | ||
buckle | fibbia | fibula | hebilla | Schnalle | brož | Boucle | |
Sewer | Fogna | Cloaca | Alcantarilla | Kanal | Égout | ||
fountain | fontana | fons | fuente | Quelle | fontána | Fontaine | costruzione di varie forme, dimensioni e materiali, destinata a raccogliere e distribuire l’acqua |
monumental fountain | fontana monumentale | fons monumentalis | fuente monumental | monumentaler Brunnen | monumentální fontána | fontaine monumentale | |
kiln | fornace | fornax | horno | Ofen | pec | fourneau | |
forum | Foro | forum | Agujero | Forum | forum | Trou | |
fortress | fortezza | castellum | fortaleza | Festung | pevnost | forteresse | |
anthropogenic attendance | frequentazione antropica | asistencia antropogénica | anthropogene Anwesenheit | fréquentation anthropique | |||
frigidarium | frigidario | frigidarium | frigidarium | Kaltbad | frigidarium | frigidarium | The cold room in a Roman bath, sometimes containing a cold-water plunge. |
fastigium | frontone | fastigium | frontón | Giebel | fronton | fronton | Fastigium is a pediment, the triangular part at the top of the front of a building that supports the roof and is often decorated |
fusaiole | fusaiole | Fusaiole | Spinnwirbel | fusaïole | |||
road tunnel | galleria stradale | uniculum | túnel de carretera | Straßentunnel | tunnel routier | ||
Garden | Giardino | Hortus | Jardín | Garten | zahrada | Jardin | |
bathing facility | impianto balneare | instalación de baño | Bademöglichkeit | installation de baignade | |||
ceramic plant | impianto ceramico | officina | planta de ceramica | Keramikanlage | plante en céramique | ||
service facility | impianto di servizio | instalación de servicio | Serviceeinrichtung | služební zařízení | installation de services | ||
metallurgical plant | impianto metallurgico | planta metalúrgica | Hüttenwerk | usine métallurgique | |||
plant for fish farming | impianto per la piscicoltura | planta para piscicultura | Anlage für die Fischzucht | plante pour la pisciculture | |||
spa facility | impianto termale | thermae | instalaciones de spa | Spa-Einrichtung | installation thermale | ||
impluvium | impluvio | impluvium | impluvio | Impluvium | impluvium | impluvium | |
wool industry | industria della lana | industria de la lana | Wollindustrie | industrie de la laine | |||
fixture | infisso | accesorio | Halterung | fixation | |||
horizontal external frame with upper closure | infisso esterno orizzontale chiusura superiore | marco externo horizontal con cierre superior | horizontaler Außenrahmenverschluss oben | cadre extérieur horizontal avec fermeture supérieure | |||
vertical external window vertical closure | infisso esterno verticale chiusura verticale | ventana exterior vertical cierre vertical | vertikales Außenfenster – vertikaler Verschluss | fenêtre extérieure verticale fermeture verticale | |||
internal horizontal frame internal horizontal partition | infisso interno orizzontale partizione interna orizzontale | marco horizontal interno tabique horizontal interno | interner horizontaler Rahmen – interne horizontale Trennwand | cadre horizontal interne cloison horizontale interne | |||
vertical internal frame vertical internal partition | infisso interno verticale partizione interna verticale | marco interior vertical tabique interior vertical | vertikaler Innenrahmen – vertikale Innenwand | cadre intérieur vertical cloison intérieure verticale | |||
horizontal frame lower horizontal closure | infisso orizzontale chiusura orizzontale inferiore | marco horizontal cierre horizontal inferior | horizontaler Innenrahmen, unterer horizontaler Verschluss | cadre horizontal fermeture horizontale inférieure | |||
agricultural infrastructure | infrastruttura agraria | infraestructura agrícola | landwirtschaftliche Infrastruktur | zemědělská infrastruktura | infrastructures agricoles | ||
care infrastructure | infrastruttura assistenziale | infraestructura asistencial | Pflegeinfrastruktur | asistenční infrastruktura | infrastructures de soins | ||
consolidation infrastructure | infrastruttura di consolidamento | infraestructura de consolidación | Konssolidierungsinfrastruktur | infrastruktura k zpevnění | infrastructure de consolidation | ||
service infrastructure | infrastruttura di servizio | infraestructura de servicio | Service-Infrastruktur | služební infrastruktura | infrastructures de services | ||
water infrastructure | infrastruttura idrica | infraestructura de agua | Wasserinfrastruktur | vodní inrastruktura | infrastructures hydrauliques | ||
port infrastructure | infrastruttura portuale | infraestructura portuaria | Hafeninfrastruktur | infrastruktura přístavu | infrastructures portuaires | ||
road infrastructure | infrastruttura viaria | via | infraestructura vial | Straßeninfrastruktur | ruznorodá infrastruktura | infrastructures routières | |
infrastructure and services | infrastrutture e servizi | infraestructura y servicios | Infrastruktur und Dienstleistungen | infrastruktury a služby | infrastructures et services | ||
entrance | ingresso | Entrada | Eingang | vchod | entrée | ||
settlement | insediamento | asentamiento | Siedlung | osídlení | implantation | ||
fortified settlement | insediamento fortificato | asentamiento fortificado | befestigte Siedlung | opevněné osídlení | colonie fortifiée | ||
pile-dwelling settlement | insediamento palafitticolo | asentamiento de pilotes | Pfahlbausiedlung | kůlové osídlení | habitation sur pilotis | ||
rock settlement | insediamento rupestre | asentamiento rocoso | Felsensiedlung | jeskynní osídlení | règlement de roche | ||
scattered settlement | insediamento sparso | asentamiento disperso | Streusiedlung | rozptýlené osídlení | agglomération dispersée | ||
temporary settlement | insediamento temporaneo | asentamiento temporal | vorübergehende Niederlassung | dočasné osídlení | installation temporaire | ||
urban settlement | insediamento urbano | asentamiento urbano | städtische Siedlung | městské osídlení | agglomération urbaine | ||
hypocaust | ipocausto | hypocaustum | hipocausto | Heizung | hypokaust | hypocauste | An ancient Roman heating system in which hot air circulated under the floor and between double walls. |
Hypogeum | Ipogeo | Hypogeum | Hipogeo | Hypogäum | hypogeum | Hypogée | |
public latrine | latrina pubblica | publica latrina | letrina publica | öffentliche Toilette | veřejná latrína | latrines publiques | |
laundry | lavanderia | lavandería | Wäscherei | prádelna | lessive | ||
inn | locanda | taberna | Posada | Gasthaus | obchod, hospoda | auberge | a place where liquor is served; a tavern. |
lamp | lucerna | lucerna | lámpara | Lampe | lucerna | lampe | |
place for public use | luogo ad uso pubblico | lugar para uso publico | Platz für die öffentliche Nutzung | veřejný prostor | lieu à usage public | ||
memorial place | luogo commemorativo | lugar conmemorativo | Gedenkstätte | pomník | lieu de mémoire | ||
place of production activity | luogo di attività produttiva | lugar de actividad de producción | Ort für produktive Aktivitäten | místo produkce | lieu d’activité de production | ||
outdoor place of worship | luogo di culto all’aperto | lugar de culto al aire libre | Andachtsstätte im Freien | lieu de culte extérieur | |||
brothel | lupanare | lupanar | burdel | Bordell | nevěstinec | maison de prostitution | |
warehouse | magazzino | depósito | Scheune, Magazin | sklad | dépot | edificio pubblico con funzione di deposito, in cui le merci venivano immagazzinate prima di essere distribuite |
mansio | mansio | mansio | Mansio | Quartier | stanoviště | manoir | stazione di tappa con locanda per mangiare, bere, ripararsi la notte e stallatico, ubicata lungo le strade romane |
dispersed materials | manufatti dispersi | artefactos faltantes | fehlende Artefakte | rozložené artefakty | artefacts manquants | ||
marbles | marmi | marmora | canicas | Murmeln | mramor | marbres | |
mausoleum | mausoleo | mausoleum | mausoleo | Mausoleum | mausoleum | mausolée | tomba monumentale |
menhir | menhir | menhir | Menhir | menhir | menhir | ||
Market | Mercato | Forum | Mercado | Markt | trh | Marché | |
metals | metalli | metallis | rieles | Metalle | kovy | métaux | |
Metope | metopa | metopa | Metope | metopa | métope | Any of the square spaces, either decorated or plain, between triglyphs in the Doric frieze. Also called intertriglyph. See diag. under column. | |
mine | miniera | mía | Bergwerk | důl | Mien | ||
Mithraeum | Mitreo | Mithraeum | Mithraeum | Mithraum | mitreum | Mithraeum | |
Wharf | molo | Muelle | Kai | molo | Quai | ||
coin | moneta | divisa | Währung | mince | devise | ||
funerary monument | monumento funerario | monumento funerario | Grabmal, Grabdenkmal | pohřební monument | monument funéraire | ||
isolated monument for worship | monumento isolato per il culto | monumento aislado para el culto | isolierte Andachtsstätte | monument isolé pour le culte | |||
isolated monument for worship | monumento isolato per il culto | monumento aislado para el culto | isoliertes Denkmal für die Anbetung | monument isolé pour le culte | |||
Mosaic | Mosaico | Mosaico | Mosaik | mozaika | Mosaïque | ||
motta | motta | motta | Motte | motta | motta | ||
mill | mulino | molino | Mühle | mlýn | moulin | ||
Walls | Mura | Moenia | Paredes | Mauer | zdi | Des murs | |
mutatio | mutatio | mutatio | mutatio | Veränderung | stanoviště | mutatio | |
Necropolis | Necropoli | Necropolis | Necrópolis | Nekropole | nekropol | Nécropole | |
niche | nicchia | nicho | Nische | výklenek | niche | ||
nymphaeum, monumental fountain | ninfeo, fontana monumentale | ninfeo, fons monumentalis | ninfeo, fuente monumental | Nymphaeum | nymfeum | nymphée, fontaine monumentale | |
odeon | odeon | odeon | Odeón | Odeon | odeon | odéon | |
textile workshop | officina tessile | textile officina | taller textil | Textilwerkstatt | textilní dílna | atelier textile | |
olla | olla | olla | olla | Olla | olla | ola | |
drainage work | opera di drenaggio | trabajo de drenaje | Entwässerungsarbeiten | práce na řece | travaux de drainage | ||
masonry | opera muraria | structura | albañilería | Mauerwerk | zdivo | maçonnerie | |
goldsmith | oreficeria | orfebre | Goldschmiedekunst | zlatnictví | orfèvre | ||
hospital | ospedale | hospital | Krankenhaus | nemocnice | hôpital | ||
hospice | ospizio | hospicio | Hospiz | hospic | hospice | ||
Tavern | osteria | Taberna | Taberna | Taverne | taverna | Taverne | |
cooking pan | padella | charola para hornear | Pfanne | pánev | poêle | ||
stilt house | palafitta | casa sobre pilotes | Stelzenhaus | kůlové obydlí | maison sur pilotis | ||
building | palazzo | aedificium | edificio | Palast | palác | imeuble | |
gymnasium | palestra | Gimnasio | Sportplatz | zápasiště | gym | A building or room designed and equipped for indoor sports, exercise, or physical education. |
bakery | panificio | pistrinum | panadería | Bäckerei | pekářství | boulangerie | |
Wall | parete | murus | pared | Mauer | zeď | mur | |
floor | pavimento | pavimentum | suelo | Boden | podlaha | plancher | |
Floor upon vault | Pavimento su volta | Solum in via | Piso sobre bóveda | Fußboden | Vyvýšená podlaha | Sol sur voûte | The part of a room that forms its lower surface and upon which one walks. |
pot | pentola | pentola | maceta | Topf | hrnec | pot | |
peristyle | peristilio | peristylium | peristilo | Säulenhalle | peristyl | péristyle | An open space, as a courtyard, surrounded by a colonnade. |
plate | piatto | laminam | plato | Teller | talíř | plat | |
square | piazza | forum | cuadrado | Platz | náměstí | place | |
pool | piscina | piscina | Schwimmbecken | bazén | bassin | A small body of standing water. | |
bridge | ponte | pons | puente | Brücke | most | pont | |
brings | porta | ianua | trae | Tür / Tor | dveře | porte | A movable barrier of wood, glass, or metal for opening and closing an entranceway, cupboard, cabinet, or the like, usually turning on hinges or sliding in grooves. |
back door | porta posteriore | puerta trasera | Hintertür | zadní vchod | porte arrière | A door at the rear of a house, building, etc. | |
front porch | portico | porticus | porche delantero | Säulenhalle | Portikus | le porche | |
harbor | porto | portus | Puerto | Hafen | přístav | Port | |
well | pozzo | bien | Gut | studna | bien | ||
enclosure | recinto | recinto | Gehege | ohrada | enceinte | struttura di forma geometrica costituita da un fossato e da un muro che delimitano un’area funeraria |
fence | recinzione | valla | Zaun | oplocení | clôture | ||
fence outdoor equipment – furniture | recinzione attrezzatura esterna – arredo | valla equipo exterior – muebles | Zaun, Outdoor-Ausrüstung, Möbel | plot venkovní vybavení – nábytek | clôture équipement d’extérieur – mobilier | ||
wreck | relitto | naufragio | Relikt | vrak | épave | imbarcazione colata a picco con l’attrezzatura di bordo e l’eventuale carico, di cui rimangano il solo scafo, o lo scafo con carico e attrezzatura, o il solo carico o/e l’attrezzatura |
rainwater drainage system liquid disposal system | rete di scarico acque meteoriche impianto smaltimento liquidi | sistema de drenaje de agua de lluvia sistema de eliminación de líquidos | Regenwasserabflusssystem, Flüssigkeitsentsorgungssystem | systém odvodnění dešťové vody systém likvidace kapalin | système de drainage des eaux de pluie système d’élimination des liquides | ||
back shop | retrobottega | trastienda | Hinterzimmer | zadní obchod | arrière-boutique | ||
closet | ripostiglio | cubiculum | armario | Wandschrank | karmrlík | toilettes | |
portrait | ritratto | effigies | retrato | Portrait | portrét | portrait | |
fortress | rocca | fortaleza | Festung | sacellum | forteresse | ||
sacellum | sacello | sacellum | sacellum | Heiligtum | pokoj, místnost | sacelle | |
room | sala | habitación | Zimmer | sál | pièce | ||
sanctuary | Santuario | Sanctuarium | santuario | Zufluchtsstätte | svatýně | sanctuaire | |
sarcophagus | sarcofago | sarcophagus | sarcófago | Sarkophag | sarkofág | sarcophage | |
sauna | sauna | sauna | Sauna | sauna | sauna | A bath that uses dry heat to cause the person in it to perspire. |
Tomb | Sepolcro | Sepulchrum | Tumba | Grab | hrobka | Tombeau | |
silos | silos | silos | silos | Silo | silo | silos | struttura scavata o costruita, situata spesso all’esterno delle abitazioni e destinata a conservare i prodotti alimentari, essenzialmente cereali, ed a proteggerli dai predatori e dai parassiti |
unidentified site | sito non identificato | sitio no identificado | unbekannter Ort | neidentifikovaná lokalita | site non identifié | ||
substructure | sostruzione | infraestructura | Fundament, Unterkonstruktion | substruktura | structure | struttura con funzione di fondazione per edifici o opere di terrazzamento in zone con pendenza | |
locker room | spogliatoio | vestuario | Umkleide | šatna | vestiaire | ||
Stadium | stadio | stadium | Estadio | Stadion | stadium | Stade | |
stall | stalla | stabulum | puesto | Stall | stáj | paralyser | |
room | stanza | locus | habitación | Gesellschaftszimmer | exedra | pièce | |
statue | statua | statuae | estatua | Statue | socha | statue | |
rest station | stazione di sosta | firmamentum station | estación de descanso | Station, Raststation | zastávka | station de repos | e una delle tappe del servizio ufficiale postale e dei trasporti sulle vie principali dell’impero |
rest station | stazione di sosta | firmamentum station | estación de descanso | Raststation | zastávka | station de repos | |
stylobate | stilobate | stylobate | stylobate | Stylobat | stylobat | stylobate | A course of masonry, part of the stereobate, forming the foundation for a colonnade, esp. the outermost colonnade. |
Street | strada | via | calle | Straße | silnice | route | |
fortification structure | struttura di fortificazione | munitionis structura | estructura de fortificación | Festungsstruktur | fortifikační struktura | structure de fortification | |
tablinum | tablino | tablinum | tablinum | Werkraum | tablinum | tablinum | |
Tavern | taverna | taberna | Taberna | Gaststätte | hospoda | Taverne | |
theater | Teatro | Theatrum | teatro | Theater | divadlo | théâtre | |
pan | tegame | sartén | Pfanne | la poêle | |||
temple | tempio | templum | templo | Tempel | chrám | temple | A place for the service or worship of a diety. |
tepidary | tepidario | tepidarium | tepidario | Warmbad , Lauwarmbad | tepidarium | tepidaire | |
baths | terme | thermae | spa | Therme | lázně | spa | Complex of rooms designed for public bathing, relaxation, and social activity |
terracotta | terracotte | terracota | Terracotta | terakota | terre cuite | ||
embankment | terrapieno | vallum | terraplén | Acker | násep | digue | struttura con funzione di fondazione per edifici o opere di terrazzamento |
dyeworks | tintoria | tintorería | Färberei | čistírna | nettoyeurs à sec | ||
tomb | tomba | sepulcrum | tumba | Grab | hrobka | tombeau | |
underground chamber tomb | tomba a camera ipogea | tomba a camera ipogea | tumba de cámara subterránea | unterirdisches Kammergrab | podzemní komorová hrobka | tombe à chambre souterraine | |
Capuchin tomb | tomba a cappuccina | cappuccino | Tumba de los capuchinos | Kapuzinergrab | Kapucínská hrobka | Tombeau des Capucins | |
caisson tomb | tomba a cassone | tomba cassone | tumba de cajón | Senkkastengrab | kesonová hrobka | tombe à caissons | |
cell tomb | tomba a cella | tomba a cell | tumba celular | Zellengrab | buněčná hrobka | tombe de cellule | |
cube tomb | tomba a dado | tomba a dado | tumba cubo | Würfelgrab | krychlový hrob | tombe de cube | |
aedicule tomb | tomba a edicola | tomba a edicola | tumba de edículo | Ädikulagrab | edikulová hrobka | tombe d’édicule | In this type of tomb the burial was enclosed in a structure known as the Aedicula, a niche covered by a pediment or entablature supported by a pair of columns uch a structure forming a shrine. |
burial enchytrismos | tomba a enchytrismos | tomba enchytrismos | tumba en enchytrismos | Enchytrismos-Grab | hrobka u enchytrismos | tombe à enchytrismos | the burial in enchytrismos is procedure in which the dead person is placed inside a large urn or amphora. |
oven crypts | tomba a forno | tomba forno | tumba de horno | Ofengrab | pecí hrob | tombeau de four | The oven crypts got their name from how they resemble a brick oven used for baking. The only thing baking in these tombs, however, were people who were buried communally. |
pit tomb | tomba a fossa | tomba et fossa | tumba de pozo | Grubengrab | jámová hrobka | tombe à fosse | a grave consisting of a deep pit with vertical sides and with or without a lateral niche |
cremation tomb | tomba a incinerazione | tomba in incineratio | tumba de cremación | Einäscherungsgrab | kremační hrob | tombe de crémation | A tomb used for disposal of a dead person’s body by burning it to ashes, typically after a funeral ceremony |
burial tomb | tomba a inumazione | tomba a inumazione | tumba de entierro | Grabstätte | pohřební hrob | tombe funéraire | A grave or the remains found in a tomb utilised as a repository for the remains of the dead. It is generally any structurally enclosed interment space or burial chamber, of varying sizes. Placing a corpse into a tomb can be called immurement, and is a method of final disposition. |
niche tomb | tomba a loculo | tomba a loco | tumba de nicho | Nischengrab | výklenkový hrob | tombe de niche | niche tomb is a recessed space in a wall or in a columbarium used to place urns containing cremated remains. |
beehive tomb | tomba a tholos | tomba et tholos | tumba de tholos | Tholos-Grab | tholos hrobka | tombeau de tholos | A beehive tomb, also known as a tholos tomb, is a burial structure characterized by its false dome created by corbelling, the superposition of successively smaller rings of mudbricks or, more often, stones. |
tympanum tomb | tomba a timpano | tomba a timpano | tumba del tímpano | Tympanon-Grab | tympanonová hrobka | tombeau à tympan | A tomb decoretad with a tympanum |
burial mounds | tomba a tumulo | tomba in tumulo | tumba de túmulo | Hügelgrab | mohylový hrob | tombe à tumulus | Burial mounds are a centuries-old way of laying the dead to rest, practiced around the world throughout history. And tumuli (the plural of tumulus) also act as monuments designed to honor and remember the dead. Many of the most well-known burial mounds in the world memorialize ancient, important people. |
rock tomb | tomba rupestre | tomba rupestre | tumba de roca | Felsengrab | jeskynní hrobka | tombe de pierre | A rock-cut tomb is a burial chamber that is cut into an existing, naturally occurring rock formation, so a type of rock-cut architecture. |
tomb | tombe | tombe | tumbas | Grab | hroby | tombeaux | a large vault, typically an underground one, for burying the dead or a monument to the memory of a dead person, erected over their burial place |
tower | torre | torre | Turm | věž | la tour | a tall, narrow building, either free-standing or forming part of a building such as a church or castle | |
traces of cultivation | tracce di coltivazione | rastros de cultivo | Spuren des Anbaus | pozůstatky zemědělství | traces de culture | a mark, object, or other indication of the existence cultivation | |
dining room | triclinio | triclinium | triclinio | Speisezimmer | triclinium | triclinium | The dining room of a Roman house.A couch extending along three sides of a table, for reclining on at meals. |
Trophy | Trofeo | Trophaeus | Trofeo | Trophäe | trofeum | Trophée | a decorative object awarded as a prize for a victory or success |
mound | tumulo | tumulus | montículo | Hügel | mohyla | monticule | An artificial elevation of earth, as for a defense work or a dam or barrier; an embankment |
ointment | unguentario | unguentarium | ungüento | Salbe | unguentarium | pommade | a smooth oily substance that is rubbed on the skin for medicinal purposes or as a cosmetic |
Basin | vasca | Cuenca | Sammelbecken | impluvium | Bassin | A basin is a sheltered area of water deep enough for boats, or an area of land that is lower than all the surrounding land | |
vestibule | vestibolo | vestibulum | vestíbulo | Vestibül | vestibul | vestibule | A passage, hall, or small chamber between the outer door and the interior parts of a house or building. |
glassworks | vetreria | vetreria | Cristalería | Glaswaren | sklářství | Verrerie | factory for the moulding of glass |
glassware | vetri | ad tres | lentes | Gläser | skla | lunettes | Glassware consists of objects made of glass, such as bowls, drinking containers, and ornaments. Any of a large class of materials with highly variable mechanical and optical properties that solidify from the molten state without crystallization, are typically made by silicates fusing with boric oxide, aluminum oxide, or phosphorus pentoxide, are generally hard, brittle, and transparent or translucent, and are considered to be supercooled liquids rather than true solids. |
viaduct | viadotto | viaduct | viaducto | Viadukt | viadukt | viaduc | A long bridge-like structure, typically a series of arches, carrying a road or railway across a valley or other low ground. |
villa | villa | villa | villa | Villa, Landhaus | villa rustica | villa | An ancient Roman house or farm with land surrounding it |
Village | Villaggio | vicus | Pueblo | Dorf | vesnice | Village | A group of houses and associated buildings, larger than a hamlet and smaller than a town, situated in a rural area. |
viridarium | viridario | viridarium | viridario | viridarium | viridaire | A garden, enclosed by columns, which occupied the central part of the peristyle | |
mint | zecca | zecca | menta | Minze | mincovna | menthe | A place where coins, medals, or tokens are made |
strigil | strigile | strigile | strigil | Schabeisen / Striegel | strigil | strigile | Strigil is bone or metal instrument, curved and equipped with a handle, used in ancient times to cleanse the body after bathing or even after gymnastic competitions. |
fauces | passaggio stretto | fauces | pasaje angosto | Flur | fauces | passage étroit | Fauces are a narrow passage, a vestibule of an ancient Roman house |