
Cataloguing Keywords

sheet typeTipo Schedatipo de hojatipus de fullaKartentypDruh listuType de carteIndicates the type of card that distinguishes the model of the card for the cataloged property
research levelLivello ricercanivel de investigacionnivell d’investigacióForschungsebeneÚroveň vyhledáváníNiveau de rechercheIndicates the acronym that identifies the level of investigation carried out in the process
region codeCodice regionecódigo de regióncodi de regióPostleitzahlKód regionuCode de régionIt is the code number that indicates the region in which the competent body of the listed asset is located
general catalogue numberNumero catalogo generalenúmero de catálogo generalnúmero de catàleg generalallgemeine KatalognummerČíslo všeobecného kataloguNuméro de catalogue généralIndicates the 8-digit number, assigned by the ICCD, in the order related to the region
suffixed general catalogue numberSuffisso numero catalogo generalenúmero de catálogo general con sufijonúmero de catàleg general amb sufixangehängter GesamtkatalogSufix čísla všeobecného kataloguSuffixe général du numéro de catalogueIt is a code with a capital letter, used for re-arranging the general catalog numbers already assigned
indexer institutionEnte schedatoreinstitución indexadorainstitució indexadoraAblagestelleindexační instituceOrganisme de catalogageAn organization which review and compile documents
competent institutionEnte competenteinstitución competenteinstitució competentzuständige Stellekompetentní instituceOrganisme compétentAn organization of high rank or skills in a specific matter
proposing institutionEnte proponenteinstitución proponenteinstitució proponentvorschlagende Institutionnavrhující instituceÉtablissement proposantThe company which proposes the work
definitionDefinizionedefinicióndefinicióDefinitiondefiniceDéfinitionThe exact descripition of the nature, scope or meaning
complex structureStruttura complessaEstructura complejaEstructura complexakomplexte Strukturkomplexní strukturaStructure complexeA structure consisted of many different and connected parts
levelLivellonivelnivellLevel / EbeneúroveňNiveauThe proportion of a horizontal plane to another horizontal reference plane; more generally, the height of a point above a surface.
relationsRelazioni diretterelacionesrelacionsBeziehungvztahRelations directesInformation display
relation typeTipo relazionetipo de relacióntipus de relacióArt der Beziehungtyp vztahuType de relationIt indicates that phase in which you’re together, but you don’t define yourself as a couple yet.
sheet typeTipo schedatipo de hojatipus de fullaKartentyptyp listuType de carteRectangular or square paper or paperboard with bibliographic particulars.
code wellCodice benecodificar biencodificar béKulturguterlasskód památkyCode bienA legislative decree regulating the protection of the cultural and landscape
other relationsAltre relazioniotras relacionesaltres relacionsandere Beziehungenjiné vztahyAutres relationsThe way in which two or more people or things are connected
definition DefinizionedefinicióndefinicióDefinitiondefiniceDéfinitionWhat is meant by a word, texts, concept or action
related records Schede correlateregistros relacionadosregistres relacionatsverwandte AufzeichnungenregistrOnglets associésA piece od data that is related to another piece of data
typologyTipologiatipologíatipologiaTypologiedefiniceTypologieAny study that carries out a classification by type, based on a statistical survey
denomination/dedicationDenominazione/dedicazionedenominación / dedicacióndenominació / dedicacióName / BezeichnungtypologieDénomination / dédicaceName assumed or attributed for specific qualities
positionPosizioneposiciónposicióPositiondenominace věnováníPositionSituation or location, as spatial data referable to an area of relationships, attributions, possibilities
category, class and production Categoria – classe e produzionecategoría, clase y produccióncategoria, classe i produccióKategorie, Art und ProduktionpoziceCatégorie – classe et productionSubdivision that is obtained by ordering or classifying according to various criteria
identificationIdentificazioneidentificaciónidentificacióIdentifikation / Erkennungsmerkmalekategorie – třída a produkceIdentificationElements that allow a recognition, an identifying classification, the establishement of an identity relationship
Title TitoloTítuloTítolTitelidentifikaceTitreA section or division of a subject, as of a law or a book
Definition DefinizioneDefiniciónDefinicióDefinitiontitulDéfinitionA definition is a statement of the meaning of a term
State StatoEstadoEstatStaatdefiniceL’étatA current governing polity
Region RegioneRegiónRegióRegionstátRégionAn administrative subdivision of a city, a territory, a country.
Province ProvinciaProvinciaProvínciaProvinz / BereichregionProvince * ANTIBES FRANCEThe part of a country outside of the capital city
MunicipalityComuneMunicipioMunicipiGemeinde/StadtbezirkprovinciecommunA single administrative division of a territory
locationLocalitàlocalizaciónlocalitzacióLage, (Stand-) OrtobecEmplacementA particular place or position
different administrative division or foreign locationAltra ripartizione amministrativa o località esteradivisión administrativa diferente o ubicación en el extranjerodivisió administrativa diferent o ubicació a l’estrangerandere Verwaltungseinheit oder ausländischer StandortlokalitaAutre division administrative ou localisation à l’étrangerTo better specify the location of an Italian property located in a foreign country, or in the presence of local organizations other than the Italian one based on the regions
different locationAltra localitàdiferente ubicacióndiferent ubicacióanderer Standortjiná lokalitaAutre locationDifferent place or position
dioceseDiocesidiócesisdiòcesiDiözesediecézeDiocèseA district under the pastoral care of a bishop in the Christian Churc
typologyTipologiatipologíatipologiaTypologietypologieTypologieA classificaation according to general type
qualificationQualificazionecalificaciónqualificacióQualifikationkvalifikaceQualificationCharacterisation on the basis of precise quality
designationDenominazionedesignaciondesignacióBezeichnungoznačeníNomAssignment of a name.
monumental complex of belongingComplesso monumentale di appartenenzamonumental complejo de pertenenciamonumental complex de pertinençamonumentaler Zugehörigkeitskomplexmonumentální komplex patřícíComplexe monumental d’appartenanceSet of buildings built in different eras (churches, monasteries, museums)
name of road spaceDenominazione spazio viabilisticonombre del espacio de la carreteranom de l’espai de la carreteraStraßennamejméno uliceNom de l’espace viabilisticoInformation concerning public or public road spaces, enabling the location of an asset to be identified.
Gathering placeDenominazione raccoltaLugar de reuniónLloc de reunióSammelortmísto shromážděníDénomination de la collectionGathering name
SpecificsSpecificheDetalles específicosDetalls específicsEinzelheitendetailyCaractéristiquesOther information regarding yourself, like recents job or general health situation.
Type of localizationTipo di localizzazioneTipo de localizaciónTipus de localitzacióStandorttyptyp lokalizaceType de lieuDescribtion of your location with the use of coordinates.
StateStatoEstadoEstatStaatstátL’étatPolitical organization of society, or the body politic.
RegionRegioneRegiónRegióRegionregionRégionA part of a country; a world having definable characteristics but not fixed boundaries.
Province ProvinciaProvinciaProvínciaProvinzprovincieProvince * ANTIBES FRANCEAn administrative division or unit of a country.
MunicipalityComunecomúncomúGemeinde/StadtbezirkobeccommunA piece of open land for public use
LocalityLocalitàsitiollocStandortlokalitaEmplacementThe position or site of something
administrative division Altra ripartizione amministrativa o località esteradivisión administrativadivisió administrativaadministrative Aufteilungadministrativní rozděleníAutre division administrative ou localisation à l’étrangerIt is a defined part of the territory of a state with the boundaries of which the competence of an administrative body is limited
other placeAltra localitàotro lugarun altre llocanderer Ortjiná lokalitaAutre locationA place or a spot without reference to thing or people in it or to occurrences there
diocese DiocesidiócesisdiòcesiDiözesediecézeDiocèseA district under the pastoral care of a bishop in the Christian Church
numberNumeronúmeronúmeroNummer/ZahlčísloNombreAbstract entity used to indicate the quantity of elements in a set, the place of an element in a succession, or otherwise used as a marker to precisely identify one element
dateDatafechadataDatumdatumDateIndication of the time when an event happened or is expected to happen
collocationCollocazionecolocacióncol·locacióZusammenstellung/AnordnungkolokaceEmplacementArrangement, placement in appropriate or previously estabilished location
Estimate StimaEstimarEstimar(Ein-) SchätzungodhadEstimeDetermining the value of a good or service
esteemStimaestimaestimaAnsehen, WertschätzungúctaEstimeFavorable appreciation implied by subjective judgement of merit
Estimated dataData stimaDatos estimadosDades estimadesgeschätztes Datumodhadovaná dataDate estiméeA certain data
Reason for the estimateMotivo della stimaRazón de la estimaciónRaó de l’estimacióGrund für die Schätzungodůvodnění odhaduRaison de l’estimationThe different causes for the estimate
DefinitionDefinizioneDefiniciónDefinicióDefinitiondefiniceDéfinitionA statement of the meaning of a term
Type of localizationTipo di localizzazioneTipo de localizaciónTipus de localitzacióStandorttyptyp lokalizaceType de lieuAn enterprise or part thereof situated in a geographically identified place
Municipality ComuneMunicipioMunicipiGemeinde/StadtbezirkobeccommunA town or district that has local government
dateFoglio/DatafechadataDatumdatumFeuille / DateIndication of the time when an event happened or is expected to happen.
particlesParticellepartículaspartículesPartikelčásticeParticulesA small, localized object that can be assigned various physical or chemical properties such as volume or mass.
ownersProprietaripropietariospropietarisEigentümervlastníciLes propriétairesWho has ownership of an asset
DefinitionDefinizioneDefiniciónDefinicióDefinitiondefiniceDéfinitionThe set of elements intended to characterize and circumscribe an entity on a conceptual level.
location typeTipo di localizzazioneTipo de ubicacionTipus d’ubicacióStandorttyptyp lokaceType de lieuDetermining where someone is located.
Type of locationTipo di localizzazioneTipo de locaciónTipus de localitzacióStandorttyptyp lokaceType de lieuProcedure of the theory of rings
Coordinate XCoordinata XCoordenada XCoordenada Xx-KoordinateSouřadnice XCoordonnée XA coordinate whose value is determined by measuring parallel to an x-axis
Coordinate YCoordinata YCoordenada YCoordenada Iy-KoordinateSouřadnice YCoordonnée YThe y-coordinate represents the directed distance of the point from the x-axis.
typeTipoTipoTipusTyptypMecA particular group of People or things that share similar characteristics and form a smaller division of a larger set
above sea levelQuota s.l.m.sobre el nivel del marsobre el nivell del marüber dem Meeresspiegelvýška n.m.Altitude a.s.l.To indicate the absolute elevation, i.e. on the surface of the geoid, approximated by the mean free surface of the oceans, thought to extend below the landmasses
Georeferencing methodMetodo di georeferenziazioneMétodo de georreferenciaciónMètode de georeferenciacióGeoreferenzierungsmethodegeoreferenční metodaMéthode de géoréférencementAttribution to a data item of information relating to its geographical location
Georeferencing techniqueTecnica di georeferenziazioneTécnica de georreferenciaciónTècnica de georeferenciacióGeoreferenzierungstechnikgeoreferenční technikaTechnique de géoréférencementAttribution of geographic coordinates to a graphic object, used in computer mapping procedures and in the construction of digital map bases.
Projection and Reference SystemProiezione e Sistema di riferimentoSistema de proyección y referenciaSistema de projecció i referènciaProjektions- und Referenzsystemprojekce a referenční systémSystème de projection et de référenceCartographic projections attempt to represent the earth’s surface or a portion of it on a plane, be it a sheet of paper or a screen. A reference system defines, through coordinates, how your projected map in the GIS relates to real positions on the earth.
Brief descriptionDescrizione sinteticaBreve descripciónBreu descripcióKurzbeschreibungstručný popisdescription synthétiqueDescribe something or someone briefly
DateDataFechaDataDatumdatumDateA numbered day of the month, given with the name of the day, the month and the year.
NotesNoteNotasNotesNotizen / StichpunktePoznámkyNoterA short explanation or an extra piece of information; information written on paper.
DefinitionDefinizioneDefiniciónDefinicióDefinitiondefiniceDéfinitionA statement that explains the meaning of a word or a phrase.
Land useUso del suoloUso del sueloÚs del terraBodennutzungvyužití půdyL’utilisation des terresThe modification of natural environment or wilderness into built environment such as settlements.
Visibility conditionsCondizioni di visibilitàCondiciones de visibilidadCondicions de visibilitatSichtverhältnissepodmínky viditelnostiConditions de visibilitéHow far you can see clearly, usually because of the weather conditions.
scientific directorResponsabile scientificodirector científicodirector científicwissenschaftliche Leitungvědecký ředitelResponsable scientifiqueThe one who conduct research to further the knowledge and development of a particular scientific field
reasonMotivorazónraóVerstandodůvodněníRaisonThe power of the mind to think, understand and forms judgements logically
methodMetodométodomètodeMethodemetodaMéthodeA particular procedure for accomplishing or approaching something
dateDatafechadataDatumdatumDateA partcular day or year when a given event occured or will occur
qteSigla per citazioneAbreviación de “QTE”Abreviació de “QTE”Abkürzung für “Zitat”Zkratka pro citátInitiales pour citationThe abbreviation for Quote
bibliographyBibliografia specificabibliografíabibliografiaBibliographieSpecifická bibliografieBibliographie spécifiqueA list of the books referred to in a scholarly work
specificSpecificheespecíficoespecíficBesonderheitspecifikaCaractéristiquesA survey belonging or relating uniquely to a particular subject
Excavation designation Denominazione dello scavodesignaciondesignacióName der AusgrabungoznačeníNom de la fouilleAn official title or name
responsible bodyEnte responsabilecuerpo responsablecos responsableverantwortliche Stelleodpovědný orgánOrganisme responsableThe body responsible for the administration
scientific director Responsabile scientificodirector científicodirector científicwissenschaftliche Leitungvědecký ředitelResponsable scientifiqueThe person who supervises procedures, participates in the study, menages personell
reasonMotivorazónraóGrunddůvodRaisonA cause, explanation, or justification for an action or event.
methodMetodométodomètodeMethodemetodaMéthodeA particular procedure for accomplishing or approaching something, especially a systematic or established one.
dateDatafechadataDatumdatumDateThe time at which an event occurs
AcronymSigla per citazioneAcrónimoAcrònimAcronymakronymInitiales pour citationAcronym for quotes
stratigraphic unitUnità Stratigraficaunidad estratigráficaunitat estratigràficastratigraphische Einheitstratigrafická jednotkaUnité stratigraphiqueSet of layers of rocks that have formed under constant environmental conditions, or in a certain period of time, or at the same time as the existence of a certain type of fossil
grave numberNumero tombanúmero de tumbanombre de tombaGrabnummerčislo hrobuNuméro de sépultureGraves are typically organized into blocks, lots, and sections. You’ll find the number engraved on the side of the gravestone usually
excavation inventory numberNumero inventario di scavonúmero de inventario de excavaciónnúmero d’inventari d’excavacióAusgrabungsinventarnummerčíslo inventáře vykopávekNuméro d’inventaire des fouillesExcavation is the exposure, processing and recording of archaeological … Each excavated context is given a unique “context number” and is recorded by type on a context .
specific bibliographyBibliografia specificabibliografía específicabibliografia específicaFachbibliographieSpecifická bibliografieBibliographie spécifiqueIt is a list of sources you used when writing a scholarly article or paper or a list of books or articles an author has published on a specific subject.
specificationsSpecificheespecificacionesespecificacionsEinzelheitenspecifikaCaractéristiquesA detailed description of the design and materials used to make something
typeTipoTipoTipusTyptypMecSingle specimen or ideale scheme to which, on the basis of fixed common characteristics, a multiplicity of objects can be traced
dateDatafechadataDatumdatumDateIndication of the time in which an event ha happened or is expected to happen
directorResponsabilegerentegerentManager_in / LeitungmanažérResponsableDirector or manager of a company or company, with decision-making powers in the conduct of the same
note NoteNotaNotaNotizPoznámkyNoterA brief note, mostly provisional, in which an observation or information is made concrete
reference specificationSpecifiche di reperimentoespecificación de referenciaespecificació de referènciaReferenzspezifikationreferenční specifikaceSpécifications d’approvisionnementA non-proprietary specification based on accepted standards, or on requirements set by an acceptable authority, which describes products, materials, or pieces of equipment to be incorporated in a building project.
definitionDefinizionedefinicióndefinicióDefinitiondefiniceDéfinitionA statement of the exact meaning of a word, especially in a dictionary.
Chronological reference bandFascia cronologica di riferimentoBanda de referencia cronológicaBanda de referència cronològicachronologischer ReferenzrahmenChronologické referenční pásmoBande de référence chronologiqueA specification based on accepted standards, or on requirements set by an acceptable authority, which describes products, materials, or pieces of equipment to be incorporated in a building project.
from\sinceDadesdedes devon / seitodDeIn the intervening period between (the time mentioned) and the time under consideration, typically the present.
validityValiditàvalidezvalidesaValidität / Gültigkeitdoba platnostiValiditéCorrectness in relation to certain forms and procedures, especially on a logical or legal level or in relation to certain limits or deadlines.
toAparapernach / bisdoÀThe intervening period between (the time mentioned) and the time under consideration, typically the present.
validityValiditàvalidezvalidesaValidität / GültigkeitpravoplatnostValiditéThe quality of being logically or factually sound; soundness or cogency.
motivationMotivazione cronologiamotivaciónmotivacióMotivationmotivaceChronologie des motivationsa reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way.
other datesAltre datazioniotras fechasaltres datesandere Datenjiná dataAutres rencontresthe day of the month or year as specified by a number.
authorAutoreautorautorAutor_inautorAuteura writer of a book, article, or document.
Author referenceRiferimento all’autoreReferencia del autorReferència de l’autorHinweis auf den AutorOdkaz autoraRéférence à l’auteurare quotations or events referring to the author or his life.
Reference to the interventionRiferimento all’interventoReferencia a la intervenciónReferència a la intervencióHinweis auf die InterventionOdkaz na zásahRéférence à l’interventionDescriptions referring to interventions by characters
Reason for allocationMotivazione dell’attribuzioneRazón de la asignaciónRaó de l’assignacióGrund für die ZuweisungDůvod přiděleníRaison de l’attributionThe reasons for this act must contain the reasons for the choice of a concessionaire from among the many subjects
nameNomenombrenomNamejménoPrénomPart of speech variable declining according to gender and number
dateDatafechadataDatumdatumDateIndication of the time when an event happened or is expected to happen
circumstanceCircostanzacircunstanciacircumstànciaUmstand / BedingungokolnostiCirconstanceA fact or event that makes a situation the way it is
sourceFontefuentefontQuellezdrojLa sourceThe place something comes from or starts at, or the cause
definitionDefinizionedefinicióndefinicióDefinitiondefiniceDéfinitionA statement that explains the meaning of a word or phrase
during the workStadio operaDuración del trabajoDurada del treballwährend der Arbeit / in Arbeitběhem práceScène d’opéraUnder development, work in progress
final workOpera finale/originaletrabajo finaltreball finalEndfassungkonečný výsledek práceuvre finale / originaleFinal result of a work
final work subject/originalSoggetto opera finale/originaletema del trabajo final / originaltema del treball final / originalThema der Endfassungkonečný subjekt práceSujet de travail final / originalThe object of a final work
final work author/originalAutore opera finale/originaleautor del trabajo final / originalautor del treball final / originalAutor der EndfassungTvůrce závěrečné práceAuteur de l’œuvre finale / originaleCreator of a final work
dating the final workDatazione opera finale/originaleFecha del trabajo finalData del treball finalDatierung der Abschlussarbeitdatování konečné práceDatation de l’œuvre finale/originaleDate the final work and keep track of it
final work locationCollocazione opera finale/originalelugar de trabajo finallloc de treball finalPublikationsort der Abschlussarbeit (?)místo závěrečné práceStage final / originalThe location of the final work/piece
Reusable componentsParte reimpiegataComponentes reutilizablesComponents reutilitzableswiederverwendbare KomponentenOpakovaně použitelné komponentyPièce réutiliséeReuse of parts
Type of reuseTipo reimpiegoTipo de reutilizaciónTipus de reutilitzacióArt der WiederverwendungDruh opětovného použitíType de réutilisationAdaptive reuse
Time of reuseDatazione reimpiegoTiempo de reutilizaciónTemps de reutilitzacióZeit der WiederverwendungČas opětovného použitíRéutiliser la datationDate of reuse
Reuse SpecificationsSpecifiche di reimpiegoEspecificaciones de reutilizaciónEspecificacions de reutilitzacióSpezifikationen zur WiederverwendungSpecifikace pro opětovné použitíSpécifications de réutilisationModels of reusing
definitionDefinizionedefinicióndefinicióDefinitiondefiniceDéfinitionthe meaning of a word, action, context or text
material and techniqueMateria e tecnicamaterial y técnicamaterial i tècnicaMaterial und Technikmateriál a technikaMatière et techniqueThe substances or materials used in the creation of a work of art, as well as any production or manufacturing techniques, processes, or methods incorporated in its fabrication.

units of measureUnitàunidades de medidaunitats de mesuraMesseinheit / Maßeinheitjednotky měřeníUnitéUnits
heightAltezzaalturaalturaHöhevýškaHauteurThe measurement of someone or something from head to foot or from base to top
widthLarghezzaanchoampleBreitešířkaLongueurThe measurement or extent of somenthing from side to side
depthProfonditàprofundidadprofunditatTiefehloubkaProfondeurThe distance, measured vertically, between the bottom of a hollow body and its top
DiameterDiametroDiámetroDiàmetreDurchmesserprůměrDiamètreSegment joining two points of the circumference passing through the center.
LenghtLunghezzaLargoLlargLängedélkaLongueurThe length is one of the dimensions of an object, that is an extension of it in space
DepthSpessoreProfundidadProfunditatTiefeTloušťkaÉpaisseurThe distance between two surfaces that make up the part of greatest development.
weightPesopesopesGewichthmotnostPoidsA body’s relative mass or the quantity of matter contained by it, giving rise to a downward force; the heaviness of a person or thing.
VarietyVarieVariedadVarietatVarianterozmatitostDiversDifferent from one another; of different kinds or sorts.
AbsenceMancanzaAusenciaAbsènciaAbwesenheit / MangelabsenceManquer deLack of measurement
ValiditàValiditàValidez de la medidaValidesa de la mesuraMessvaliditätPlatnost měřeníValiditéValidity refers to how accurately a method measures what it is intended to measure. 
Indications for objectsIndicazioni sull’oggettoIndicaciones para objetosIndicacions per a objectesanalytische Daten (Informationen zum Objekt)Indikace pro objektyInformations sur l’objetIndications for objects
Indications for subjectsIndicazioni sul soggettoIndicaciones para sujetosIndicacions per a subjectesanalytische Daten (Informationen zum Objekt)Indikace pro subjektyInformations sur le sujetIndications for subjects
inscriptionsIscrizioniinscripcionesinscripcionsanalytische Daten (Inschriften)nápisyLes inscriptionsinscriptions
ClassificationClasse di appartenenzaClasificaciónClassificacióanalytische Daten (Kategorie)klasifikaceClasse d’appartenanceClassification
LanguageLinguaIdiomaIdiomaanalytische Daten (Sprache)jazykLangueLanguage
writing techniqueTecnica di scritturatécnica de escrituratècnica d’escripturaanalytische Daten (Schreibtechnik)technika psaníTechnique d’écriturewriting technique
FontTipo di caratteriFuenteFontanalytische Daten (Zeichentyp)fontType de caractèreFont
PositionPosizionePosiciónPosicióanalytische Daten (Position)pozicePositionPosition
AuthorAutoreAutorAutoranalytische Daten (Autor)autorAuteurAuthor
TranscriptionTrascrizioneTranscripciónTranscripcióanalytische Daten (Transkription)transkripceTranscriptionTranscription
Code for connecting epigraphic insertSigla per collegamento inserto epigraficoCódigo para conectar inserto epigráficoCodi per connectar inserit epigràficanalytische DatenKód pro připojení epigrafické vložkyCode de connexion de l’insert épigraphiqueCode for connecting epigraphic insert
QualificazioneStato di conservazioneCalificación del estado de integridad y / o legibilidad, considerado en relación con la condición original.Qualificació de l’estat d’integritat i/o llegibilitat, considerat en relació amb la condició original.analytische Daten (Erhaltungszustand)analytická dataÉtat de conservationQualification of the state of integrity and / or readability, considered in relation to the original condition.
ClassificationClasse di appartenenzaUn tabardo o sobretodo bordado con escudos de armasUn tabard o sobretot brodat amb escuts d’armesKategorieklasifikaceClasse d’appartenanceA tabard or surcoat embroidered with armorial bearings
QualificationQualificazioneUn requisito oficial.Un requisit oficial.QualifikationkvalifikaceQualificationAn official requirement.
IdentificationIdentificazioneidentificaciónidentificacióIdentifikation / Bestätigung, AnerkennungidentifikaceIdentificationAcknowledgement
QuantityQuantitàCantidadQuantitatQuantität / GrößemnožstvíMontantSize
Historical criticismNotizie storico-criticheCrítica históricaCrítica històricaKritik ?historická kritikaNouvelles historiques critiquesThe historical-critical method or higher criticism, 
definitionDefinizionedefinicióndefinicióDefinitiondefiniceDéfinitionThe degree of distinctness in outline of an object, image, or sound
restoration and analysis laboratory Restorationlaboratorio de restauración y análisislaboratori de restauració i anàlisiRestaurierungs- und Analyselaborrestaurátorská a analytická laboratořRestaurationThe action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition
legal conditionIndicazione genericacondición legalcondició legaljuristischer Statusprávní podmínkaIndication génériqueGeneric indication
Type Tipo provvedimentoTipoTipusArt der MaßnahmeType de mesureProvisions
Details of provisionEstremi provvedimentoDetalles de provisiónDetalls de provisióEinzelheiten zu den BestimmungenPodrobnosti o poskytováníMesure extrêmeDifferent types of provision
Notification DateData notificazioneFecha de notificaciónData de notificacióDatum der BenachrichtigungDatum oznámeníDate de notificationThe date of the written notification from the department to an applicant that the applicant is qualified to take the examination required for licensure.
protective measuresEstremi provvedimento in itineremedidas de protecciónmesures de proteccióSchutzmaßnahmenochranná opatřeníMesure extrême en coursData of the provision in progress
DataDOCUMENTAZIONE FOTOGRAFICADocumentación fotográficaDocumentació fotogràficaDaten (fotografische Dokumentation)fotografická dokumentaceDOCUMENTATION PHOTOGRAPHIQUEPhotographic documentation
DataDOCUMENTAZIONE GRAFICADocumentación gráficaDocumentació gràficaDaten (graphische Dokumentation)grafická dokumentaceDOCUMENTATION GRAPHIQUEGraphic documentation
Other multimedia documentationALTRA DOCUMENTAZIONE MULTIMEDIALEOtra documentación multimediaUna altra documentació multimèdiaanderes Medium der DokumentationDalší multimediální dokumentaceAUTRE DOCUMENTATION MULTIMÉDIAIt is defined as a digital document that is composed of one or multiple media elements of different types (text, image, video, etc.) as a logically coherent unit.
scientific referent Referente scientificoreferente científicoreferent científicwissenschaftliche Referenzvědecký referentContact scientifiquethe person, thing, or idea that a word or expression denotes, stands for, or refers to.
author’s cardautore schedatarjeta del autortargeta de l’autorKarte des Autorsautorova kartacarte d’auteurIt includes the author’s image, and biographical information. 
Responsible officerFunzionario responsabileAgente responsableAgent responsableVerantwortliche StelleOdpovědný úředníkAgent responsableIt is the individual responsible for ensuring that a programme or project meets its objectives and delivers the projected benefits
Code for connecting epigraphic insertSigla per collegamento inserto epigraficoCódigo para conectar inserto epigráficoCodi per connectar inserit epigràficKód pro připojení epigrafické vložkyCode de connexion de l’insert épigraphiqueCode for connecting epigraphic insert
Condition and completenessStato di conservazioneCondición e integridadCondició i integritatZustand und Vollständigkeitstav a kompletnostÉtat de conservationQualificazione dello stato di integrità e/o leggibilità, considerata in rapporto alla condizione originaria.
ClassificationClasse di appartenenzaClasificaciónClassificacióEinstufungklasifikaceClasse d’appartenanceA tabard or surcoat embroidered with armorial bearings
QualificationQualificazioneCalificaciónQualificacióQualifikationkvalifikaceQualificationAn official requirement.
DescriptionDescrizioneDescripciónDescripcióBeschreibungpopisDescriptionThe aim of the catalogue description is to provide a clear, concise picture that enables another reader of the worksheet to visualise the object and recognise it immediately if searching for it.
Historical criticismNotizie storico-criticheCrítica históricaCrítica històricahistorisch-kritische Methodehistorická kritikaNouvelles historiques critiquesThe historical-critical method or higher criticism, 
definitionDefinizionedefinicióndefinicióDefinitiondefiniceDéfinitionThe degree of distinctness in outline of an object, image, or sound
restoration and analysis laboratory Restorationlaboratorio de restauración y análisislaboratori de restauració i anàlisiRestaurations- und Analyselaborrestaurátorská a analytická laboratořRestaurationThe action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition
legal conditionIndicazione genericacondición legalcondició legaljuristischer Statusprávní podmínkaIndication génériqueGeneric indication
Provisions TypeTipo provvedimentoProvisiónProvisióTypType de mesureProvisions Type
Details of provisionEstremi provvedimentoDetalles de la provisiónDetalls de la provisióEinzelheiten zur BereitstellungPodrobnosti o poskytováníMesure extrêmeDifferent types of provision
Notification DateData notificazioneFecha de notificaciónData de notificacióBenachrichtigungsdatumDatum oznámeníDate de notificationThe date of the written notification from the department to an applicant that the applicant is qualified to take the examination required for licensure.
protective measuresEstremi provvedimento in itineremedidas de protecciónmesures de proteccióSchutzmaßnahmenochranná opatřeníMesure extrême en coursData of the provision in progress
Photographic documentationDOCUMENTAZIONE FOTOGRAFICADocumentación fotográficaDocumentació fotogràficaDateienfotografická dokumentaceDOCUMENTATION PHOTOGRAPHIQUEPhotographic documentation
Graphic documentationDOCUMENTAZIONE GRAFICADocumentación gráficaDocumentació gràficaDateiengrafická dokumentaceDOCUMENTATION GRAPHIQUEGraphic documentation
Other multimedia documentationALTRA DOCUMENTAZIONE MULTIMEDIALEOtra documentación multimediaUna altra documentació multimèdiaandere multimediale DokumentationDalší multimediální dokumentaceAUTRE DOCUMENTATION MULTIMÉDIAIt is defined as a digital document that is composed of one or multiple media elements of different types (text, image, video, etc.) as a logically coherent unit.
scientific referent Referente scientificoreferente científicoreferent científicwissenschaftlicher Referentvědecký referentContact scientifiquethe person, thing, or idea that a word or expression denotes, stands for, or refers to.